Saturday, December 31, 2011

January 1, 2012 - First Word "Simple"

Quote for the Day:  Life is really simple, but men insist on making it complicated.  Confucius

Happy New Year My Friends!

I decided to start with the word "simple".  It is the first word that came to mind as I reflect on 2011 and start to focus on 2012.   Webster defines simple as innocent, modest, humble, lack of education and free of complication.

How many of us can define our lives in that way?  I often hear people comment, "life used to be so simple".   Why did it use to be so simple and why is it so complex now?

Life IS simple.  We often make it more complex than necessary.

I make it more complex by filling my days with 'must do' activities and don't often leave room for the people most important to me and the activities that bring me joy.  I find myself constantly moving and using every form of technology available to me.  The energizer bunny! What is it that you do that makes your life complex?

I love technology and can't imagine living without it.  But at times, it can be overwhelming.

Does anyone remember when we had to look for a pay phone, or make a phone call to make a reservation, or go to the library to do research, or hand write a letter or pay bills by writing checks. Things seemed simpler then, but were they really?

I love the convenience of technology and it does allow us to be more productive, get things done more quickly and cram more activities into every day.  We have iPods, iPhones, iPads, Droids, Notebooks, Laptops, Blackberries, Kindle, Nook and Smartpens.  We have Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, MySpace, YouTube, Skype, Blogs, Vlogs and Second Life.  We have webcasts, podcasts and video conferencing.  Deep breath...

We are in constant communication with one another. We are "on call" 24 hours a day to our jobs, with our friends, family and people we don't even know. We become frustrated when friends don't respond right away to our text or email message and sometimes assume that something is wrong, creating unnecessary anxiety and stress.  We become frustrated if the computer is running slow, if our WIFI connection is down, if the printer doesn't work or the cell phone service disconnects.

Technology provides us with wonderful tools.  How we choose to use them is up to us.  Technology does not make life more complex, but without proper boundaries, it can create more stress and complexity in our lives if we let it.

We have a tendency to over-commit, over-analyze, over-indulge, over-extend and at times, don't   disconnect.

We need boundaries and balance.

I am curious.  What is it that you do to complicate your life?

Let's think about how we can bring the word "simple" back into our lives.  Not an easy task, but with focus, we can get there!

"That's one of my mantras - focus and simplicity.  Simple can be harder than complex:  You have to work hard to get your thinking clean, to make it simple.  But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains".  Steve Jobs  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Beauty of Words

This is a blog about the power and beauty of words.  I have decided that in 2012, I will focus on learning and exploring several words each week.  We will explore the meaning, usage and beauty of the word, and how it impacts our lives.

For many of you, whoever you are, that may sound pretty boring.  I assure you that my goal is to inspire, provoke thought and encourage participation.  

As 2012 begins, so does my journey of discovery and growth through words.  I hope you will join me.  

This is my first blog, so I ask for your grace as I learn and grow during this process.  

Happy New Year!