Sunday, May 27, 2012


Preantepenultimate (pri-an-tee-pi-NUHL-tuh-mit) is a long tongue twister of a word.  It is an adjective (Latin - 1746) meaning - fourth from the last in a series.  This unusual word is not one most people use on a regular basis.  First, it is difficult to pronounce and second, how often do we talk about something that is fourth from the last.  

Here are a few examples: 

What is the preantepenultimate step in this procedure? 
Which was the preantepenultimate State to join the Union?  
Chapter 7 is the preantepenultimate chapter in the book.
I was the preantepenultimate person in line for tickets to the concert. 

No doubt, this is a strange, yet fun word to know. It may come up in a crossword puzzle or in conversation sometime or perhaps you can find a way to use it in a sentence to impress your friends.  Have fun with it!    
“The female in question … was the preantepenultimate ex-wife of ol' Josh P.”
Esther Friesner; Just Another Cowboy; Fantasy & Science Fiction (Cornwall, Connecticut); Apr 2002.

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