Sunday, July 1, 2012


Apollonian (ap-uh-LOH-nee-uhn), is an adjective from Greek mythology which means serene; harmonious; disciplined; well-balanced in character.   The word refers to Apollo the god of the music, poetry, plague, oracles, sun, medicine, light and knowledge. When someone is described as Apollonian, it often refers to a quality or ability that they possess in art or science.  People who are Apollonian are stoic, use restraint and reasoning.  

Here is an example of how the word is used in a sentence: 
“For their happy customers, these two radically different personalities offer radically different dining experiences -- a mood of unbuttoned indulgence at Babbo as compared with an apollonian serenity at the French Laundry.”

Apollonian is the opposite of Dionysian.  Dionysus is the greek god of wine, nature, fertility and agriculture.  Someone who is described as Dionysian is thought to be more emotional, romantic and spontaneous. They are reckless, uninhibited and undisciplined. 

I am not sure how I came across this word this week or why I was compelled to use it, but it was fun to review a little Greek mythology.  If you want more information check out this website: 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much! You made my school project 100x easier lol.
