Sunday, January 27, 2013


Folderol is a noun that means something is nonsense or foolish. It also refers to attractive but useless trinkets or objects.  It was first used in the early 19th century to refer to a meaningless refrain in a song.  Here are a few examples: 

“Debbie dismissed the article in People magazine as useless folderol”.  

“My plan was foiled by all the late night folderol, which threw everything into turmoil.”  The Huffington Post: Michael Glitz: Who’s The King of Late Nite? Craig Ferguson
So they'd been married in a judge's chambers without any folderol.”  Fat Tuesday

In songs: 
“Do be do be do” and  “Fa La La La La La La La La"   Can you think of others? 

Folderol - Ripples in A Pond (Youtube)  Take same time for a little folderol!

Speaking of useless things - how bout Handerpants!  Just what everyone needs!   

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