Sunday, April 28, 2013


Cachinnate is a verb of Latin origin (1824) that means to laugh hard, loudly and convulsively.  It is a compulsive or hysterical form of laughter with or without apparent cause.  

This word refers to moments when we start laughing so hard that we can’t stop for quite some time.  I usually refer to it as “having the giggles”.   I love when this happens to me, except when I am in church, a library or a serious movie!  

Have you notice that when you are with others and you start laughing like this that it is quite contagious and pretty soon everyone is laughing and probably not sure why?  

This kind of laughter is extremely healthy for us emotionally, mentally and physically.  Laughter relaxes your body and releases stress relieving endorphins in the brain. It increases immune cells and protects the heart by increasing the flow of blood.  It makes our burdens seem lighter, restores hope and improves connectivity to others. 

Doesn’t this make you want to laugh? 

Here are some examples of use in a sentence:

"He looked in at the door and snickered, then in at the window, then peeked down from between the rafters and cachinnated till his sides must have ached.”
 (John Burroughs, "A Bed of Boughs”)

"'Butler' is so deliciously zany and funny, we cachinnated until our sides hurt."
Christopher Muther; It's Oh So Quiet; Boston Globe (Massachusetts); Mar 20, 2004.

Some additional fun related quotes: 

Laughter is an instant vacation. ~Milton Berle

Mirth is God's medicine.  Everybody ought to bathe in it.  ~Henry Ward Beecher

Laughter is the shortest distance between two people. ~Victor Borge

I have never been great at telling jokes, but I love to hear them.  Here is a cute one for your day: 

Did you hear about the guy who finally figured out women?
He died laughing before he could tell anybody.

BA dump dump!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I need to cachinnate soon!!!!! I loved your joke.
