Sunday, March 11, 2012


The word resilient (adjective) is defined as the ability to withstand shock without permanent damage. It is the ability to cope with stress, adversity and uncertainty.   A person with a high level of resilience tends to recover or adjust easily to misfortune and change.  

Being resilient is not a personality trait, it is a learned skill, a process and an attitude. It is a cognitive state on how we view the world and ourselves.  We can build up our resilience to life events, much the same way we build up our immunity to illness.  Maintaining a healthy physical and mental lifestyle is the foundation for developing greater levels of resilience.  Building resilience is an individual, personal journey. The American Psychological Association has a great article with some helpful tips on learning how to build resilience.

"If you voluntarily quit in the face of adversity, you'll wonder about it the rest of your life."  Former President Bill Clinton

"The bend in the road is not the end of the road, unless you refuse to take the turn"  Author Unknown


  1. Colette - I have discovered that resiliency is one of the only ways I am able to make it through some of the most difficult events in my life. Thank God I was able to reach down within myself and pull it out when I needed it most. Through months of unemployment, trying to meet financial obligations with an ever-shrinking bank account, pet illnesses and ultimately the discovery and realization of dealing with my husband's serious medical condition - my ability to be resilient has saved my life over and over again. I believe that most human beings are able to thrive during the good times. But our ability to remain hopeful and thrive in the midst of adversity is what truly demonstrates our resilience.

  2. Hi Liz. I know of some of the things you have been through in the past few years and you are an inspiration to me. I think most of us think that we are resilient, but it isn't until we face adversity that we find out for sure. Thanks so much for sharing!
