Elan is a noun (French origin) that illustrates a feeling of eagerness or passion about something. It describes a person who is filled with enthusiasm, a distinctive flair and vigorous spirit.
An example of how the word is used:
"The actor performed with great elan and sophistication".
Quite often we find that people with this level of verve are creative artists. People who are passionate about painting, sculpting, writing and performing music, dancing, photography or writing. Business entrepreneurs and athletes are also filled with great elan.
I believe that life is much more satisfying if you can do something that fills you with passion and enthusiasm. What are you passionate about?
Morale is the state of mind. It is steadfastness and courage and hope. It is confidence and zeal and loyalty. It is elan, esprit decorps and determination. General George Catlett Marshall (American military commander - 1880-1959)
You certainly write with great elan, Colette! Stick to your passions and keep that spirit going - it is contagious!