Sunday, April 15, 2012


The word Phobia is a noun (Greek - origin 1780-90) that describes an overwhelming and persistent fear of an object or situation. Everyone has periods of brief anxiety, like making a presentation, going to the dentist or taking a test. A phobia is something that is long-lasting and causes intense physical and emotional reactions.

We all have fears that we deal with and overcome everyday; people with phobias become paralyzed. It is normal to be a little nervous when flying in an airplane, especially when there is turbulence. Someone with a serious phobia about flying will pass up going to a special family event, because they are afraid to fly.  

Most of us are aware of some common phobias such as Claustrophobia, a fear of confined spaces or Acrophobia, a fear of heights. But have you ever heard of Phronemophobia, fear of thinking or Alliumphobia, a fear of garlic or Bibliophobia, a fear of books? Amazing! 

I found this website with hundreds of phobias, if you want to learn more about the unusual phobias. 

Fortunately, phobias can be overcome with treatment.  Fears generally come from a lack of understanding and through education and practice can be conquered.  

Fear: False Evidence Appearing Real - author unknown

You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which you think you cannot do.
Eleanor Roosevelt


  1. WOW! Some of those phobias on the list could be life-limiting! My favorites:

    Fear of Gaiety- Cherophobia (poor, sad dears).
    Flutes- Aulophobia (who knew?)
    Fear of Knees - Genuphobia (seriously?).

    And who came up with this word:
    Paraskavedekatriaphobia (fear of Friday the 13th)


    1. Hi Liz! Thanks for your comments. I can't imagine how awful it would be to have a fear of knees!

  2. LOL! I am not particularly fond of my own knees...but I am certainly not afraid of them!
