Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 11, 2012


Making a commitment, and sticking to it, is the surest way to bring about positive change and results in  life.  It forces us to make choices and take action.  Every day we deal with commitments financially, at work, in our relationships and to our families.  We make commitments to personal goals, including exercise, weight loss, a new job, volunteer, spiritually, to learn a new skill or to write a blog.     

A few years ago, I made a commitment to walk in the Susan G. Komen, three-day, 60-mile walk for the cure of breast cancer.  My motivation to walk was based in the loss of friends and family members to this awful disease. 

The commitment to this walk was two-fold. The first was to raise a minimum of $2,200 in donations, which was the  most difficult for me personally. I was extremely apprehensive about asking people for donations, even though it was for a great cause.  I soon discovered that people were gracious with their gifts and support.  The second part of the commitment was to walk 60 miles in three days.  This seemed impossible to me at the time, yet I was committed and determined to do it.  It took nine months of preparation, through a regime of walking two to three times a week and regular exercise to build up my stamina. As I crossed the finish line, with one little blister on my toe, I was filled with a great sense of accomplishment.  The experience was incredibly inspirational and rewarding.

Commitments take work and discipline, but the end result is worth it! 

Commitments are not burdens; they are opportunities to learn and grow and give us a sense of purpose.  For me, the reward of commitment is accomplishment, contribution and making a difference.

I believe in setting realistic goals along with a few that seem impossible.  When we strive to achieve the seemingly impossible goals, it requires us to stretch and grow.    

Working toward a goal brings energy to the mind, body and spirit.  It is invigorating!

Make a commitment today and take just one step each day toward achieving a goal.  At the end of the year you will be amazed at how far you have traveled.   Don't give up!

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.
C. S. Lewis

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. And the actions which speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time after time, year after year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism. 
this is commonly attributed to Abraham Lincoln or Shearson Lehman (American Express) or anon. 



  1. What a powerful word. It is as strong as a jail cell at times but also as strong as your femur. We truly are our commitments. Some are best shared. Some are meant to bear alone but all create one of the most powerful and transforming words in the English language...INTEGRITY.

  2. Speaking of Thomas Edison one day our pastor told us of a story about Thomas Edison....he was 67 years old when his laboratory burned to the ground with all of his inventions. He called his son to go get his mother saying "you will never see this again." Once she arrived she began to cry for poor Thomas' loss of all of his inventions and patents and he turned to her saying "woman all of my mistakes have been erased." just had to share the optimism of a man that ws so committed he changed the world.
