Monday, January 9, 2012

January 8, 2012 - Commitment

Happy Monday!   Here is the word for the week!

Commitment (Noun)
  • the act of committing.
  • the state of being committed.
  • the act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself.
  • a pledge or promise; obligation: We have made a commitment topay our bills on time.
  • engagement; involvement: They have a sincere commitment to religion.
This is the first word that came to mind this morning after my alarm went off.  I wanted to pull the covers up over my head and stay in the warmth of my bed, but my mind had already started thinking about the commitments lined up for the day.  Meetings, work deadlines, lunch appointment, errands, feed the cat, do laundry, make dinner and write a blog.  Some commitments we make; some are imposed on us by others.  At times it can be overwhelming and life feels out of control.  At other times, it is satisfying, as we check things off the list with a sense of accomplishment. 

Sometimes we make commitments in haste or over-extend and we are not able to keep them.  For me that is the worst situation.  I don't like letting anyone or myself down by not meeting my commitments.  Conversely,  it frustrates me when other's don't keep their commitments to me.  All talk and no action.  When we don't do what we say we will do, it is the quickest way to lose credibility and trust. 

As we enter into the new year, what are some of the commitments that you have made to yourself?  To others?  Do you have any tips for how to balance commitments so that you don't become over-extended? 

The only limit to your impact is your imagination and commitment. 
- Anthony Robbins

Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Accordingly a genius is often merely a talented person who has done all of his or her homework. 
- Thomas Edison


  1. I have to tell you that I am very impressed with your blog Sis! I can understand your choosing the word commitment. You are a very committed person and because of it you are an inspiration to so many others. If a person can not keep a commitment it is like not keeping a promise to yourself or someone else.
    My commitment is to my husband, family and friends to always be there for them no matter what the issue, even if it is just a phone call.

  2. I love that Do. That is definitely one good suggestion from Doreen...a phone call is better than nothing.

  3. A commitment I make every day is to be true to myself. With so many things happening at work and at home, I have to be committed to all of them. If I go about my daily life and put my best self forward, I am honoring my commitment to myself. It takes focus and sometimes more energy than I have, but after all - a commitment requires commitment!
